Dependabot Configuration

Use Dependabot to keep your project up-to-date.

What is Dependabot?

Dependabot is an automation tool to simplify dependency management. With minimal setup, Dependabot will identify packages in your repository that have available updates and automatically create pull requests on your behalf.

How to Integrate Dependabot into Your Project

  1. Create a .github folder in your root directory.
  2. Inside that folder add a dependabot.yml file and add the following content:
version: 2,
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"
      day: "wednesday"
      - "dependencies"
  1. Go into your Github projects Settings tab.
  2. Click on Code security and analysis and enable Dependabot security updates.
  3. Congrats! You now have Dependabot integrated into your project.

Config settings

  • version - Specifies which version of Dependabot to use
  • package-ecosystem - Package manager you want Dependabot to monitor
  • directory - Where Dependabot can find your package.json file
  • schedule.interval - Specific interval to check for updates.
  • - Specific day to check for updates.
  • assignees - The github user who gets assigned the PR
  • labels - Labels that will be added to the PR
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